Oferta nr: 602
Voivodship | Małopolskie |
Poviat | Krakowski |
Commune | Kraków |
City | Kraków |
Location | Okolice Kleparza |
Destination | |
Remarks | WZiZT na 16 000 PUM w kwietniu 2008. |
Plot area | 0.6665 ha |
Offer type | Sell |
Price to negotiate | TAK |
Price brutto:
40 000 000 PLN
~9 789 525 EUR
Plot area: 0.6665 ha
A plot with land use permit for multifamily building. 14.000 sqm of residential usable
area and 2.000 sqm GLA on the ground floor. Major benefit of this location is location. A
plot situated on the outskirts of the City Center one block away from Juliusz Slowacki St.
the main road in the City Center. Less than 2 km m from the Main Square Market.